Monday, May 30, 2011

Birds on a Wire

I did not grow up with birds. 
And I live in the city so there's not really any good bird watching moments for me to observe them in.  We have pigeons, big black crow looking ones, but neither of those are very pretty to look at. We have a few other more common ones that are pretty, but they don't hang around long enough for me to sketch and study. 

However, we have lots of birds that seem to flock to one area and hang out in trees and on near by wires. Like hundreds of them at a time. It's crazy! I love to watch their silhouettes from afar (not under them unless I'm in a car). I love looking at the spacing, poses and little personalities that happen several feet up in the air. 

So on this beautiful, bright, sunny day I bring you just that. Birds on a wire. 

5x7 Mixed Media

5x7 Mixed Media


  1. what are they? a print? watercolor yes, but a collage? are the birds added?

  2. Anonymous, they are originals. Watercolor background with the tiny birds collaged on and then outlined with black pen. What do you think?
